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Time Is Now: Rural and Urban Activists
Transforming Women’s Lives
Statement by Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN
Under-Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director,
for International Women’s Day
March 1, 2018
2018 3 1
This years theme captures the vibrant life of the women
activists whose passion and commitment have won womens
rights over the generations, and successfully brought change. We
celebrate an unprecedented global movement for women’s rights,
equality, safety and justice, recognizing the tireless work of
activists who have been central to this global push for gender
What we see today is a remarkable gathering of strength
among women all over the world, demonstrating the power of
speaking with one voice, as they call for opportunity and
accountability, drawing momentum from grassroots networks
and coalitions that stretch right up to government leadership.
These movements grow from the work of multigenerational
activists from the late feminist human rights leader Asma
Jahangir of Pakistan, to the powerful new generation
represented by young women like Jaha Dukureh of the Gambia,
UN Women’s Regional Goodwill Ambassador for Africa on
ending FGM and child marriage.
Healthy societies have a wide mix of voices and influences
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Time Is Now: Rural and Urban Activists Transforming Women’s Lives  把握时机:农村和城市活动家改变女性生活   – Statement by Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director, for International Women’s Day  —— 联合国副秘书长兼联合国妇女署执行主任普姆齐莱 · 姆兰博-恩格库卡国际妇女节讲话   March 1, 2018  2018 年 3 月 1 日   This year’s theme captures the vibrant life of the women activists whose passion and commitment have won women’s rights over the generations, and successfully brought change. We celebrate an unprecedented global movement for women’s rights, equality, safety and justice, recognizing the tireless work of activists who have been central to this global push for gender equality.  今年的主题是女活动家们热烈的生活,一代代的女活动家用她们的热情和奋斗争取了妇女权利,成功地带来了改变。我们称颂为妇女的权利、平等、安全和正义而开展的史无前例的全球运动,承认活动家们的不懈努力,她们是推动全球性别平等的中坚力量。   What we see today is a remarkable gathering of strength among women all over the world, demonstrating the power of speaking with one voice, as they call for opportunity and accountability, drawing momentum from grassroots networks and coalitions that stretch right up to government leadership. These movements grow from the work of multigenerational activists – from the late feminist human rights leader Asma Jahangir of Pakistan, to the powerful new generation represented by young women like Jaha Dukureh of the Gambia, UN Women’s Regional Goodwill Ambassador for Africa on ending FGM and child marriage.  今天,我们看到全世界妇女团结起来,展现出用同一个声音发声的巨大力量,她们要求机会和问责,将势头从民间网络和联盟一直推到了政府领导层。这些运动的发展离不开一代代活动家的努力 —— 从已故的巴基斯坦女性人权领袖阿斯玛 · 贾哈格日到以冈比亚的亚哈 · 杜库仁等年轻女性为代 表的强大的新一代。亚哈 · 杜库仁是联合国妇女署非洲地区亲善大使,致力于结束残割女性生殖器和童婚的做法。   Healthy societies have a wide mix of voices and influences that provide the checks and balances, the differing threads of experience and perspectives, and the debate that shapes good decision-making. Where voices are missing, there is an important gap in the fabric of society. When those quietened voices count in the millions, we know there is something wrong with our world. Similarly, as we see and hear those voices rise in strength and solidarity, we feel the power of something right.  健康的社会有各种各样相互制衡和平衡的声音和影响,会有不同的感受和视角,会有带来良好决策的讨论。缺少不同的声音,社会结构就存在重大缺陷。如果数百万人缄默不语,这个世界必是出了问题。同样,当我们看到和听到那些声音越来越响亮,越来越一致时, 我们会感受到事情对了。   We salute those who have bravely spoken out to gain access to justice, such as those from the #MeToo movement, who in recent months have found their voice in social media in more than 85 countries to expose those who have preyed on the less powerful and shown how when women support one another, they help to overcome stigma and ensure that their stories are believed.  我们向那些勇敢地发声来寻求正义的人表示敬意,比如参加 #MeToo ( “ 我也是 ” )运动的人,最近几个月,超过 85 个国家的参与者在社交媒体上发声,揭露那些折辱女性的人,展现出女性相互支持时会如何帮助克服污名,确保社会相信她们所说。   We commend the women who spoke out in the International Criminal Court where their testimonies have held to account those who used rape as a weapon of war. We celebrate activists who campaigned for equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, and we recognize those who advocated for legal reform in countries such as Tunisia, to end a provision that allowed rapists to escape persecution if they married their victims. We acknowledge those who have taken to the streets in India to decry the murder and rape of young children, turning protests into broader-based movements that engage entire communities. We honour the indigenous leaders who have stood up for their custodial rights t